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Ocean Conservation

Fire Coral: Hydrozoan Marvels of Shallow Reefs with Powerful Stings and Ecological Significance

Fire coral, scientifically known as Millepora, is a genus of marine organisms that belongs to the class Hydrozoa, closely related to jellyfish and other stinging cnidarians. Unlike true corals (class Anthozoa), fire corals are hydrozoans, characterized by their branching, calcareous skeletons and tiny polyps that are embedded in their calcareous skeleton. These organisms are found…

Eagle Rays: Graceful Guardians of the Ocean

Eagle Rays: Majestic Creatures of the Ocean Eagle rays, with their graceful movements and distinctive shapes, are among the most captivating creatures inhabiting the world’s oceans. These majestic rays belong to the family Myliobatidae and are known for their distinctive flattened bodies, elongated snouts, and wing-like pectoral fins, resembling the outstretched wings of an eagle…